
Cali Kids Urgent Care
Pediatric Urgent Care located in Laguna Niguel, CA
Rashes may develop when you make contact with an irritating substance due to allergies or because of certain medications. Rashes can also indicate a chronic skin condition that requires management from Brittany Glenn, DO, and the team at Cali Kids Urgent Care. They have the expertise required to diagnose the cause of rashes and to offer treatment, even if your child has a chronic condition like eczema. Call the office in Laguna Niguel, California, or request an appointment online today.
Rashes Q & A
What causes skin rashes?
Skin rashes commonly occur because your child touches something irritating or due to an allergic reaction. Skin rashes may also develop as a side effect of an underlying disease or viral infection like:
- Shingles
- Lyme disease
- Lupus
- Arthritis
- COVID-19
If your child has a rash that persists, weeps, itches, looks unusual, or disappears and recurs, schedule an appointment to have it evaluated at Cali Kids Urgent Care. Plaques of itchy, scaly skin should also be evaluated to rule out psoriasis. Itchy, red lesions can also be skin cancer.
Don’t put off scheduling an appointment. It’s important to determine the cause of your child's rash before it develops into something more serious or spreads.
When are rashes diagnosed as eczema?
Eczema is a chronic skin disease that causes itchy, red patches of skin. The most common form of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis. This skin condition is very itchy, with symptoms usually worsening at night.
When you scratch the rash, you may develop bumps and reddened skin. These bumps may even break open, causing weeping and oozing.
Atopic dermatitis is most likely a result of an allergic reaction. Outbreaks occur in conjunction with seasonal allergies but may also be exacerbated by temperature changes, stress, perspiration, and certain chemicals.
Eczema can also show up in different forms, including on your child's scalp and hands or as scaly plaques on their arms or legs. Your child's provider evaluates their rash to determine if it is a form of eczema, so they get the most appropriate treatment.
How are rashes treated?
A rash that appears suddenly may be due to the use of a new detergent or soap. Your child's provider reviews any possible irritants that you’ve used to determine if that may be the cause.
Avoiding the irritant may be enough to prevent a recurrence. Rashes often clear up on their own within a few days using over-the-counter ointments and simple at-home remedies.
Some rashes may require prescription topical or oral medications for treatment. If your child has eczema, Dr. Glenn works with you to identify and avoid triggers. They can also help you treat any underlying conditions that may be responsible for your child's rash outbreak.
If your child is afflicted by a painful, itchy, or persistent rash, call Cali Kids Urgent Care for an appointment or request one online today.
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